Cody D. Smith Apps

StormEye - Storm Tracking 2.6.4
Cody D. Smith
StormEye provides detailed storm trackinginformation and weather radar images overlaid on Google Maps. Foreach storm, StormEye provides important information such as thestorm's location relative to your location, where the storm isheading, estimated time of arrival (ETA), the storm's intensity,hail probabilities, and maximum hail size.StormEye is free, without ads!StormEye functions by downloading data from the National WeatherService for the selected WSR-88D weather radar. The radar closestto your current location is automatically chosen; however, you canquickly switch to any of the 156 NWS WSR-88D radars across theUnited States. The downloaded data is then used to construct aweather radar with markers and tracks for every detected storm.StormEye Features:• weather radar and storm tracks overlayed on Google Maps• radar animation• use gestures to zoom, pan, tilt, and rotate the map• quickly switch to any of the 156 NWS WSR-88D radars across theU.S.• tap a storm marker for details about a storm, including:- estimated time of arrival (ETA)- distance and direction from your location- heading direction and speed- max dBZ and rain rate- probability of hail and several hail- max hail size• view a list of all of the storms at the selected radar• average storm heading arrow in the top right corner• your choice of Google Map type to display:- Hybrid- Satellite- Terrain- Map• multiple weather radar types, including:- Base Reflectivity- Composite Reflectivity- Base Velocity- Storm Relative Velocity- Storm Total Precipitation• toggleable layers to choose what is displayed• action bar for quick access to layers and options• automatically finds your location using GPS or network• manually enter your location with an address/zip code• customize the color of the storm tracks• customize the length of the storm tracks• range rings around your location• rotate the map using the compass sensor• display warning polygons:- Tornado Warning- Severe Thunderstorm Warning- Flash Flood Warning• reflectivity strength (dBZ) legend• warnings legend• supports all 50 U.S. states, Puerto Rico, and GuamTo learn more, review StormEye's internal help guide, accessiblevia Help on the menu.StormEye only supports the United States because the NationalWeather Service is the source of the weather radar and stormdata.Please consider emailing me ( orcontacting me on Twitter (@SmithCodyD) with your issue or questionbefore giving StormEye a 1 star rating. A good portion of the timeI will be able to help you!
StormGist - Storm Tracking 1.2.1
Cody D. Smith
StormGist is a lightweight and low bandwidthstorm tracking app developed for usage in areas with a weak networksignal. StormGist focuses on providing the essentials of stormtracking so that you can get the gist of the storm situationwithout the unnecessary features that require a better networkconnection.By design there is no map or radar. While a map and radar can benice to look at, they are not essential for understanding thelocation and severity of a storm and they consume extra bandwidth,which is a precious commodity in the backcountry. In order to makeup for the lack of map, StormGist relies on your device’s compasssensor to display an arrow pointing towards each storm and an arrowindicating the heading of each storm.StormGist is backed by the same powerful data as my main stormtracking app, StormEye. In fact, StormGist is built from most ofthe same code base as StormEye. Anyone familiar with StormEyeshould feel right at home with StormGist. StormGist’s main view issimilar to that of StormEye’s slide out storm list. StormGistprovides the same essential storm tracking information as StormEye,such as each storm’s location relative to your location, where thestorm is heading, estimated time of arrival (ETA) of the storm, thestorm’s intensity, hail probabilities, and maximum hail size.StormGist began as a stripped down version of StormEye that Icreated for use during my thru hike of the Colorado Trail. I knewthat during the hike I would rarely have a good network connection.So, before I started the hike I quickly removed the non-essentialfeatures of StormEye and built it into a new app. StormEye List, asit was inelegantly named, served me well during my time on theColorado Trail so I decided to clean it up, add some more features,and release it as StormGist. Hopefully other hikers or anyone elsein a situation with a weak Internet connection will find some usefor StormGist.StormGist is free, without ads!If you want a full featured, free (with no ads) storm trackingand weather radar app then please install StormEye!Please consider emailing me ( orcontacting me on Twitter (@SmithCodyD) with your issue or questionbefore giving StormGist a 1 star rating. A good portion of the timeI will be able to help you!
Flurcl - Flurry Client 1.1.0
Cody D. Smith
Flurcl is an app for developers who useFlurryanalytics. Flurcl displays the metrics for your account whichareavailable through Flurry's JSON API. Flurcl includes fullsupportfor usage and event metrics, including event duration andeventparameters!Flurcl Features:• usage & event metrics for all your apps• line graphs with zoom and pan• usage metric graphs:- Active Users- New Users- Average Session Length- Median Session Length- Sessions- Retained Users- Page Views- Average Page Views Per Session• event summary containing all events• event metric graphs:- Total Count- Unique Users- Average Duration- Total Duration• event parameter pie graphs- each value is a pie slice- same colors as Flurry website- tappable pie slices• event parameter value counts and percentages• filter all data by app versionThe existing selection of Flurry apps is, well, awful. Alltheother available apps for Flurry either crash constantly ordisplaya small portion of the data which is available from Flurry.So,I've developed Flurcl!If you have an issue with Flurcl then please email me: doesn't handle your Flurry data correctly then please letmeknow because I've only been able to test Flurcl with mylimiteddata. I'm extremely interested in your feedback!Flurcl is free, without ads!Important Notes:• Flurry has an API access rate limit of one request persecond.This means that Flurcl can only request one set of data persecond.Usually this won't be an issue since I designed Flurcl withthislimit in mind; however, if you rapidly change metric types ortimeranges then you might notice Flurcl taking an extra second orso toload the data.• Flurry's API is currently broken with regard to retrievingthenumber of sessions for which an event occurred on aday-by-daybasis. Therefore, Flurcl is unable to display a"Sessions" graph inthe event metrics. I filed an issue report withFlurry on June 18,2014 with details about this issue. Even with mydetailedexplanation and examples of the problem, they have beenunwillingto fix the issue. In fact, they simply updated theirdocumentationto match their broken API, effectively upgrading a bugto afeature. In the API's current state, there is no way toretrievethe number of sessions for an event on a day-by-day basis.In theunlikely event that the problem is ever fixed, I will updateFlurclto include a graph of the day-by-day session count for eachevent.By the way, this API bug is the sole reason that Flurclwasn'treleased months ago because I was patiently waiting/hoping ontheproblem to be fixed.Please consider emailing me ( me on Twitter ( with yourissueor question before giving Flurcl a 1 star rating. I'mextremelyinterested in helping you!By the way, “Flurcl” is short for “Flurry Client”.It'spronounced as one word; think “Flurkle”.Neither Flurcl nor Cody D. Smith are officially affiliatedwithFlurry. Flurcl simply utilizes the API provided by Flurry.